Coises Music Photos Software Unbound

Coises’ Quintzee

Coises’ Quintzee is a computer simulation of a classic “Poker Dice” game which you can play in solitaire mode or against a virtual opponent. Quintzee 2.0 should run on any Windows system XP or later.

Also available: C++/Qt source archive (11.6MB)
Source is included in the install package; download the source archive only if you want to examine the source but cannot or do not want to install the program.
Quintzee 2.0 uses Qt 5.5.1.


version 2.0 build 3 (install package for Windows; 27.8MB)

version 1.1 build 2 (install package for Win32; 3.53MB)


Quintzee solitaire Quintzee with computer opponent